
​​We carefully manage Tasmania's natural resources to protect them for future generations. As part of this work we:

  • Develop and manage legislation, regulation and policy for salmon farming, and other aquaculture activities
  • Assess the impacts proposed new marine farming areas will have on recreational, traditional and commercial fishing
  • Keep pests and diseases out of the oceans, rivers and lakes
  • Manage land based salmon farming and aquaculture, which includes the movement of fish on and off farms     

In May 2023 we released the Tasmanian Salmon Industry Plan 2023 Tasmanian Salmon Industry Plan 2023 which is an enduring strategic framework to support an innovative and sustainable salmon industry in Tasmania, which meets the expectations of the community. For greater transparency and improved communications, a priority action in the plan is to review the Salmon Farming Data Portal to:
• expand the information available, including public reporting aligned to implementing the new aquaculture standards as they are enacted;
• determine the most appropriate arrangement for managing the Portal going forward including platform costs and hosting organisation(s); and
• undertake relevant international comparison of publicly available marine farming information in other jurisdictions and progress relevant recommendations.

This review is expected to be completed in the near term (within two years).                  

How we manage the salmon and aquaculture industry

How we manage industry is determined by the Living Marine Resources Management Act 1995, the Marine Farming Planning Act 1995 and by the Environment Protection Authority (EPA) under the Environmental Management and Pollution Control Act 1994. These pieces of legislation cover all the permissions that any new farm has to have to be able to operate in Tasmania.

Planning and approvals

During the planning and approval process we consider the impacts a new farm will have on the surrounding community. Including:

  • Environmental
  • Social
  • Economic
  • Recreational

After new farms are approved we continue to monitor them.

Operating licences

All farms have to be licensed. The licence includes conditions that make sure all farms are operating in a sustainable way. You can see all the marine farming licences on LISTmap.

Environmental licences 

All farms need an environmental licence, which sets out the environmental conditions that a farm must meet in order to operate.  It is this licence that gives the EPA its role for the ongoing environmental regulation of Tasmania's salmon farming industry.  Environmental Licences can also be viewed on LISTmap​


Heavy penalties can be applied if farms don't meet the conditions set in their licenses.